I have been shooting with the Nikon D300 and absolutely love it. It is a real solid camera, low noise, great features. Nikon recently introduced the D90 and added one cool feature - 720P video! Since the D300 and D90 are VERY similar cameras, Nikon SHOULD be able to add 720P video to the D300 and D3! Especially in light of the new Canon 5D mark II also having video. Nikon has been awesome at being competitive recently. They should keep pushing the edge! Since companies are not able to add major features to their products for free (due to revenue recognition issues - this is why Apple defers revenue for the iPhone), I would be happy to pay Nikon to add the feature. Nikon would win with this - they already have my $$$$$$ for the camera, and now they could get another $100?!? out of me for this new feature. This is NEW money that Nikon would have never seen - it isn't like I am going to go out and purchase a new camera for this feature. I already paid $1800 for this camera! I know that new features come out every day - but when you pay $1800 for a camera and a few months later a $999 camera has an awesome feature, you have to think of your installed base. Give Nikon early adopters something we can use! This is called incremental revenue. Come on Nikon!
Any one else? What do you think!? Nikon should get with the plan.
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