I had the pleasure of shooting with pro photographer Scott Bourne today while he was in the area after MacWorld! Scott is the main person behind "This Week in Photography" (TWIP) that is leading the Aperture Nature Photography Workshop contest that I won and will soon be shooting with in Yosemite!
it was just a quick outing to the Palo Alto Baylands, but that is quite the bird mecca! Scott commented that he would shoot here every day of the year if he lived here. It is quite nice to have soo many species around.
For those of you who know me, my photography is primarily landscape photography and some kids/family portraits - I generally dont' shoot things that move! Scott gave me some great tips on lighting and composition that really helped point me in the right direction (which is 180 degrees opposite to what I normally do for landscape photography!). Totally front lit and a few side lit portraits of the Coots, Mallard ducks and a few other species whose names I will remember or learn soon! The learning is what I love about being outdoors to shoot! I also learned a great new tip to get my Nikon D300 to shoot 8fps instead of the normal 6fps (frames per second!) not using an external battery grip.
Look for more images of things that move in the future! If you want to check out the other images from this day at the Palo Alto Baylands (where the Palo Alto Camera Club meets) than click on this link.
Time to keep getting ready to go to Yosemite!
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